Graduate Certificate in Prosthodontics

在学习诊断的同时,参与快速崛起的数字牙科, treat, rehabilitate and manage the appearance, comfort, 牙齿和/或口腔组织缺损或缺失患者的功能和健康 Certificate in Prosthodontics in the Kornberg School of Dentistry at Temple University. 为期34个月的博士后高级临床项目为学生接受临床指导做准备, 在治疗不同的患者群体时,进行个人研究并获得实际经验. 该计划的住院医师还获得了满足该计划要求所需的强化培训 American Board of Prosthodontics and succeed as a professional prosthodontics specialist.

生物活性和再生材料的技术突破和进步推动了牙科科学的极限,并在牙科领域创造了一个新的机会世界. While these advances affect all aspects of dentistry, 口腔修复学尤其受到这些变化的影响,因为该专业涉及牙齿替代品的设计和制造. 坦普尔的口腔修复项目为住院医生提供设施, 为应对和创造更多这些进步提供必要的支持和工具,包括成为大学和周边地区唯一提供颌面假肢服务的诊所. 

通过该计划的教学和临床课程的混合课程, 住院医师获得成为专业义齿医师所需的技能和培训, including advanced expertise in biomaterials, implant dentistry and maxillofacial prosthetics. 博士后项目准备住院医师与病人谁需要先进的口腔修复护理超出一般牙科的范围, 以及从博士前诊所重新治疗失败的病例-让住院医生获得管理治疗的经验,以前的治疗不成功的病人. 

口腔修复学研究生证书项目每年招收四名住院医师,需要连续三年的学习才能完成. 注册博士后项目的居民也将完成所有要求,随后获得 Master of Science degree in Oral Health Sciences offered by the Kornberg School of Dentistry.

Oral Health Sciences MS

口腔修复学研究生课程的学生申请 Master of Science in Oral Health Sciences upon acceptance to the program. In this 30-credit postgraduate master’s program, 学生运用现代生物学原理和研究技术来帮助诊断, 治疗和预防口腔和颅面疾病和异常.

Through the interdisciplinary curriculum, students study the structure, development and function of oral tissues; their interrelationships; and their connections to other organ systems. Research areas include advanced general dentistry, clinical fields, and periodontal and craniofacial regeneration.

该项目的临床专业课程是专门为目前就读于科恩伯格牙科学院高级培训证书的研究生量身定制的. 在学生的研究生证书课程的课程计算为口腔健康科学硕士学位所需的30个学分.

Learn more about the Oral Health Sciences MS.

Photo credit: Ryan S. Brandenberg, CLA ’14

Program Format & Curriculum

-博士后项目将口腔健康科学硕士学位与临床和教学证书课程相结合. 临床工作和研究的目的是给学生进步, 他们将会在口腔修复领域见到真实的病人.


  • Advanced Dental Pharmacology and Therapeutics
  • Bioethics and Critical Thinking
  • Clinical Anatomy of the Head and Neck
  • Introduction to Implantology
  • Oral Pathology
  • Prosthodontics Literature Review


Related Graduate Certificates


从口腔修复学证书课程毕业的学生为从事口腔修复学专业的学术工作做好了充分的准备, clinical and private practice, and research. Graduates have expertise in biomaterials, implant dentistry, maxillofacial prosthetics and oral biology, 他们有以病人为中心的实践所必需的经验和同情心.

Career Development

Through the Office of Student Affairs, 从事牙科职业的学生在康伯格任职期间和毕业后都可以得到咨询和支持. 办公室定期举办职业活动和嘉宾演讲,涵盖广泛的主题,包括

  • corporate and private practice careers,
  • debt management,
  • general practice residencies,
  • military service, and
  • specialty education.

一旦参加了口腔修复学证书(研究生)课程, 你会定期收到工作机会的通知. Additionally, the school provides a list of job opportunities 为美国各地的牙科专业人员定期更新.S.

Tuition & Fees

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, 该口腔修复学证书提供了具有竞争力的学费水平和多种经济支持机会.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, including program degree level (undergraduate or graduate), course load (full- or part-time), in-state or out-of-state residency, and more. 

You can view the full 学生财务服务网站上的出勤费用明细.


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